Needle Free Drug Delivery Injection

VUTIQ Air is a needle-free drug delivery device optimized for skincare and aesthetic field.
It utilizes ultrafine nozzles(150μm) to deliver drugs promptly (1 to 10 times per second) to the epidermis without using needles.

Our innovative technology offeres minimal pain and prompt treatment compared to the conventional methods, while allowing the depth and volume control.

Why Needleless ?

DDJET is a needleless drug delivery injection device that delivers liquid substances for skin and scalp care to the epidermal layer of the skin without a needle by solving the problems pointed out as disadvantages of existing needle syringes. 

Needle Phobia

1 in 10 patients suffer

from Needle Phobia

Needle Pain

Occuraence of side effects

such as pain, bleeding,

lipodystrophy, etc. 

Needle Injury

There are frenquent cases of

wonds such as cuts or scratches

on the injection needle

Needle Infection

There is always a risk

of infection due to

contamination or reuse

Drug Delivery Mechanisms

Drug delivery mechanisms are responsible for controlling the release of drugs.

Various techniques such as high-velocity liquid jets, gas propulsion, or mechanical force can be used to deliver drugs through the skin.

These mechanisms are designed to create a narrow, high-pressure flow that penetrates the skin and delivers the drug to the underlying tissue or specific target site.

Drug Reservoir​

Drug reservoirs usually store drugs or vaccines in special containers such as disposable and replaceable cartridges or vials.

Skin Booster​

Stem cell, Hair loss improvement, Cosmetics, Water light injection, Body injections, Salmon, Channel, Baby injection, etc.

Hair Loss Care​​

Autologous serum (PRP)
Hair growth functional drug,
Stem cell culture fluid, etc.




Head Office

Seoul Office